Friday, February 20, 2015

MAP data from Fall to Winter

During the 2014-2015 school year, all students in Vermilion Local Schools are being assessed on the NWEA MAP (measure of academic progress).  Students took this computer based assessment in September and again in February.  Below are the overall data for each grade level in Reading and Math at VES.
The goal of each student is to maintain the same  %tile ranking throughout the year.  This corresponds to one year's growth, which is the district goal for all students.  We accomplish this through the personalization of learning using small group instruction, blended learning and co-teaching.
Check out our results below.  Keep in mind that the RIT score is a raw score and that the %tile is based on a nationally normed group of students.  Thus, a gain in RIT in one grade will have a different corresponding %tile gain in another grade.  The statistical math is cumbersome to follow but the bottom line is that, for the most part, our students are growing as they should and then some!  Your child's teacher will discuss the MAP scores and their implications at your Parent - Teacher conference.

It's All About Reading!

It's All About Reading! night allowed parents to learn about the art and science of Reading instruction while kids were entertained by some of our local celebrities.  Special thanks to Mayor Bulan, Superintendent Pempin, Assistant Superintendent Balotta, Former board member Sid Jordan, Main Street member Sandy Jordan and Board of Education President Innes for taking time out of their busy lives to read to our VES kids!  Special thanks to teachers Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Dobinson, Ms. Sprague and Ms. Sroka for creating the presentation and giving our parents such important insight into how students learn to read and some ideas on how parents can hlep kids at home.  More thanks to Mrs. Mitchell and Mr. Malear for orgainizing the chaos and to the PTO for providing those awesome cookies!

100 days Smarter!!

Kindergarten students celebrated the 100th Day of school in style.  Other grades joined in the fun with some awesome projects.  All in all - a fun day!